The rapidly emerging discipline of exercise genomics increases our understanding of exercise's preventative and therapeutic capabilities by extending our understanding of exercise physiology and human behaviour. This, in turn, assists us in developing training regimens tailored to our body type for the optimum performance results.
Together with environment and experience (that is, nutrition and training), an athlete's biological and genetic make-up plays a significant role in exercise physiology. Some DNA single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been linked to athlete performance and level (such as elite/world-class athletic status), influencing physical activity behaviour, endurance, strength, power, speed, flexibility, energetic expenditure, neuromuscular coordination, metabolic and cardio-respiratory fitness, among other things, as well as psychological traits. Sports genomics has the potential to optimise and maximise physical performance while also predicting the danger of sports-related ailments. Exercise has a significant impact on the proteome as well. Proteomics can examine the changes caused by training in both qualitative and quantitative terms.
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